Wednesday 6 July 2016

Why is a Happy Horse Important?

Does it really make a difference if your horse is happy in his work/life or not?  If you cannot decide (or no opinion) Aske the question of yourself:  Does it really mattter if I am happy in my life or or work?

unhappy, tense horse.  Bit kids

relaxed, long soft strides

long, forward strides from a horse that thinks anything new is not good

The answer is "yes".  It does matter.  Unhappiness affects your health, your relationships..basically everything to do with you.  So the same goes for your horse.  A happy horse is interested in what goes on around him.  He enjoys being with you.  He is fun to work with.  and he makes you happy to be with him.

Detecting whether your horse is happy or not is not as easy with people. Or maybe it is easier?  Depends on how well you read body language.  If you have been around people for a while you know it is more important to read the body language not their voice or, especially, what the person is saying.

A person can say what she thinks you want to hear or what she thinks is the truth, but is maynot be true.  A person can say she is "happy", smile, but shake her head.  Watch what she does.  Of course you need to know what a happy person looks like.

What does a happy horse look like?
The horse:
• makes eye contact with you
• approaches you
The hor

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