Degree of collection according to training level of horse
Neck and topline arches with the degree of collection
More manouverable, lighter feeling on the riens
Hindquarters lower (Carries weight on hindquarters)
Steps are shorter but higher because of impulsion, upward mobility
The desire to go forwards
Develops power and strength. Moves slowly with power
Movement appears effortless
Power of the horse.
Back muscles ripple, hindquarters lower
Riding overbent prevents the horse from having impulsion
Moves forward willingly In front of the leg
Hindlegs follow the front legs
Equal on both sides Ears level Rider sits straight
Must be straight to collect. Evenly developed on both sides
Acceptance of the bit.
Slight chewing of the bit, with (some) foam
Horse should be able to stretch down, keeping nose in front of vertical on long rein.
Reins, legs, set are part of contact.
Supports the horse. Gives confidence
“On the bit”
Regular paces Horse must be loose to have rhythm.
Tempo is speed of the rhythm is
4 beat walk 2 beat trot 3 beat canter
Loose, relaxed and through Trusts rider
Horse works through his back (Durchlassigkeit)
Swinging tail indicates relaxed mentally and physically
Longitdudinal Lateral
Scale of Training of the Horse
Quality of work changes with the training of the horse.
Determined by the horse as every horse is different.
Signs a Horse is working correctly
Two top muscles on the neck are seen to flex.
Crest flops as turns, changes the rein.
Muscles join withers without a dip and are wider at withers than at the poll.
Muscle under the neck is small, and loose.
Poll is relaxed. Ears moving, not pricked or kept back.
Nose is in front of vertical (how much depends on the strength of the horse).
Quietly mouthing the bit, with some foam
Neck is long and low with an upward arch
Belly muscles toned and lifting the back up. Loins lifted.
Hindquarters are round. Big thighs.
Tail swinging gently.
Hind legs move forward, underneath the horse. Legs evenly muscled.
Works up hill
Unbalanced horse will thunder and kick up dust.
All horses should have these qualities.
A right handed rider will be stronger on the right side of their body. Their horse’s hindquarters will move away from their right leg.
Look to where you are going the same as the horse is looking: Do not turn your head.
Rider leaning to the inside will cause the horse to turn his head out on turns (bending lines)
Sacral lumbar joint is the point of croup