I believe that a person should buy a horse they can ride now because they will not enjoy the horse. Do you need a horse that you "fall in love with"? No. The horse you fall in love with is the horse that you wish you could ride, it isn't the horse you can ride. Think about it. Is it fair to the horse that you buy if you cannot ride it well? No. Isn't because the horse is not able to do what it can do. Some horses will look after you, other horses, not so much. Those are the horses people fall off of and get hurt.
As Denny Emmerson has said numerous times, one needs a horse to ride and do everything with so that the rider gains confidence. Confidence is the knowledge, feeling you can do it. Doubt is not a good thing to have with a horse. One must believe that she can do it. Falling off, being run away with, hoping you live are not fun things to be repeated. Kids learn to hold on tight...not good for becoming a supple, elastic, feeling rider. Adults decide they have other things to do so don't ride.
Buying a horse you can ride gives you a horse you will fall in love with. Maybe not when you go to look at the horse and try it out, but because you can do what you want with the horse you will come to love the horse. That is the horse you miss when it has died.
Taking lessons in order to be able to ride the horse you bought...nope. Too much horse. Get a plainer horse. There is more to riding and horse ownership than lessons (and competitng).
When you go look at a horse, don't expect to fall in love, expect to be able to walk, trot, and canter the horse, to be able to lead and groom the horse. That is the most beautiful, wonderful horse of all. If your riding skill is not up to doing that, then find a lesson programme with school horses. Maybe not being able to canter is ok, if you can walk, and trot the horse. Good natured horses are not pretty, but are priceless.

The horses and ponies in the photos are not super expensive, but just plain nice. With a bit of work, they became fantastic at their jobs.
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